Music request & selection form Call Now "*" indicates required fieldsStep 1 of 30%Disclosure* We utilize professional music distribution services to obtain legal music.We do not and will not connect our equipment to the internet at your event for any reason.When selecting music, please confirm the song you've selected is readily available. A good resource is an iTunes search.If the song you're requesting isn't available on iTunes, there is a good chance we will be unsuccessful in procuring it.Some songs made popular by channels such as TikTok, YouTube, etc., don't always have legal, obtainable copies for rebroadcasting.Please ensure your song selection(s) contain the song name, artist, and album - listed in the same fashion as you would find on iTunes.Please do not abbreviate, omit words, change capitalizations, artist names, etc. It could lead to an inability to procure your song.I agreeYour Name* First Name Event date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Phone*Email* Music Request & Selection Sheet*Song NameArtist Name Add RemoveThese songs must be played in this order. These songs must be played in this order.These songs can be played throughout the event. These songs can be played throughout the event.